U.S. Tax Treatment of Tax-Free Saving Accounts
“Income earned in a TFSA is taxable on a current year basis in the U.S..” The Tax…
Failure to Report a Capital Gain
“One can never know for sure which way the Tax Court will rule.” One “sin of omission”…
Get A Grip
“It may save time and effort for such a CCPC to be treated as a non-CCPC.” Since…
Losing CCPC Status
“it is important to plan in advance.” There are a number of tax implications to consider when…
Payroll Implications of an Amalgamation Are Different From Those of a Wind-Up
“If these special deadlines are not met on the wind-up of the subsidiary into the parent, significant…
Unclaimed Capital Losses
“Identifying unreported capital losses from prior years can result in significant tax savings.” Net capital losses expire…
Out of Country Medical Expenses
“Experimental procedures that are not available locally can be eligible.” People who travel outside of Canada for…
Leaving Canada
“The Canada Revenue Agency has been attacking claims of Canadian non-residence.” If you are leaving Canada permanently,…
Acquisition of Control – Choose Your Trustees Carefully
“It is uncertain whether the CRA’s policy is correct, as it has not been challenged in court.”…
Unpaid Fees
“Even though late filing of the form is allowed, it comes with a tax cost.” It is…
Cadesky Tax Books


Trusts and International Tax Treaties

Taxation of Real Estate in Canada

Towards Greater Fairness in Taxation: A Model Taxpayer Charter

Taxation of Trusts and Estates: A Practitioner’s Guide 2024

Taxation at Death: A Practitioner’s Guide, 2021
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