The importance of E&P – Will you be paying the right amount of tax to the IRS?
An accurate determination of “earnings and profits” (E&P) of a foreign (i.e., Canadian) corporation is often an…
IRS Form 5472 : An easy but expensive filing obligation to overlook?
Recent media coverage, as it relates to U.S. tax in Canada, has almost entirely focused on the…
Understanding Constructive Share Ownership
The Tax Cut and Jobs Act (TCJA) has significant implications for United States persons who own shares…
Changes to U.S. “Kiddie Tax” Rules
With both the increases in Canadian personal tax rates, over the last few years, and the new…
Do You Owe Money to the IRS? You May Lose Your US Passport
If you are a U.S. citizen and you have a “seriously delinquent tax debt” with the IRS,…
Are you GILTI? New U.S. Rules Impact U.S. Individual Shareholders of Canadian Corporations
“An Act to provide for reconciliation pursuant to titles II and V of the concurrent resolution on…
U.S. Tax Reform – Deemed Repatriation Tax and Individual Shareholders of Canadian Corporations
On December 22, 2017 President Trump signed into law, “An Act to provide for reconciliation pursuant to…
U.S. Corporate Tax Reduction – Impact on CCPC shareholders – Part II (GRIP)
This U.S. Tax Tip follows up on the US Tax Tip issued on November 30, 2017. The facts/assumptions…
Proposed U.S. Corporate Tax Reduction – Impact on CCPC Shareholders
Both the U.S Republican House and Senate tax plans (The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, H.R. 1)…
Has Your ITIN Expired?
If you are a US nonresident alien and have filed a US income tax return, you most…
Cadesky Tax Books


Trusts and International Tax Treaties

Taxation of Real Estate in Canada

Towards Greater Fairness in Taxation: A Model Taxpayer Charter

Taxation of Trusts and Estates: A Practitioner’s Guide 2024

Taxation at Death: A Practitioner’s Guide, 2021
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